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Battlefield 2042[]

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"Fire a volley of 40mm frag grenades. Accessed from a support seat."

— In-game description

The 40mm Volley Pod is a pod gunner weapon appearing in Battlefield 2042. It is a specialization option for main battle tanks and IFVs.

The pod gunner aboard heavy armored vehicles may fire a salvo of four grenades against nearby targets. Range is limited by the grenades' high drag, often causing them to take an exaggerated arc over a short distance. Spread is also unpredictable—while a single grenade may cause enough damage to kill unarmored infantry, survival against all four blasts is also possible.

The grenades are both impact- and time-delay fuzed. When fired at a high arc, the grenades may either explode harmlessly overhead, or less likely hit targets on rooftops or in air vehicles. Enemy infantry can also find cover next to the vehicle, unless also next to a wall or other surface.
