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Overview 1942 Vietnam BF2 BF2:MC 2142 BC Battlefield: Bad Company 2
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"The tip of the spear in any offensive. Assault grunts typically carry heavy combat rifles and grenade launchers to quickly clear a path."

— Instruction Manual Description

The Assault kit is featured in Battlefield: Bad Company 2, functioning as more of a combination of the Support and Assault kit from Battlefield 2. While it wields an assault rifle with an underslung grenade launcher, the assault is now capable of distributing ammunition.

Additionally, Bad Company 2 is the first game where the default weapons are not determined by faction; the player will start with the AEK-971 Vintovka and M9 Pistol regardless of what team they are playing on. Their underslung grenade launchers now have only aesthetic differences.



The Battlefield: Bad Company 2: Vietnam expansion removes all underbarrel grenade launchers; instead, the Assault is always equipped with an M79—which the Assault retains regardless of the weapon class they are using, removing the capability to lay down C4. The M79 features none of the specialty ammunition the underbarrel grenade launchers could equip, and the assault rifle cannot be equipped with any optic.




  • The US Assault is the only US Army kit to wear nothing on his helmet as the Engineer has Marlboro cigarettes and the Medic has the ace of spades card and a bottle of pills.
  • Both the US and NVA Assault wear a helmet.