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"Standard soldier who balances offensive and defensive capabilities."

— In game description.

The Assault kit is featured in Battlefield 2. The Assault is equipped primarily with gadgets and weapons focused on anti-personnel works: all of the primary weapons are assault rifles, with moderate damage and moderate spread. With the exception of Assaults equipped with the G3, the SCAR-H, and the MECSF AK-101, the main gadget that is offered to the Assault is an underslung grenade launcher -- either a M203, an AG-36, a GP-25, a GP-30, or a F2000 GL, depending on what faction is being played. The G3 is not equipped with such a grenade launcher, and instead possesses smoke grenades. Finally, all Assaults are equipped with a faction-specific handgun.

The assault rifles are generally accurate over short and medium distances and are generally capable of killing infantry within three to five rounds regardless of shot placement. With the exception of the G3, the rifles are each equipped with thirty-round magazines. The underslung grenade launchers are effective against infantry and lighter vehicles, but aren't as modular as hand grenades (i.e., with a hand grenade one can plan and use the delayed detonation to their advantage, a trait lacking of the launchers due to their detonation on impact).

Smoke grenades obscure sightlines and will clear enemy markers from the screen if they were spotted.

The Assault also has two implicit bonuses that set it apart from the other kits. Firstly, all Assaults are equipped with body armor, which reduces damage taken to the torso directly, at the cost of decreased sprinting time. Secondly, setting it apart from the Medic kit which shares much the same range of primary weapons, each Assault is granted two extra magazines for their primary weapon, thus allowing the Assault to engage in sustained firefights where the Medic would run out of ammunition faster.

These traits make the kit ideal for anti-infantry roles. However, the usefulness of the Assault is relatively limited beyond out-and-out firefights: the grenade launcher provides potency against jeeps and lightly armored vehicles, but can't deal significant damage to heavier ones. The Assault can't directly heal or resupply itself, and therefore is reliant on others to assist in those regards. Additionally, while not nearly as limited as the Anti-Tank and Engineer kits in terms of range, most of the assault rifles have significant enough spread such that their effectiveness over longer distances is limited.


Base Game[]

Special Forces[]
