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Battlefield Wiki

BMD-3 in reality

The BMD-3 "Bakhcha" is a Light IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle) originating in the Soviet Union that is fully amphibious and air-droppable with crew inside. It is intended to be a fire-support platform for use by airborne and air assault units. It is not an upgraded BMD-1 but a completely redesigned vehicle with a hydropneumatic suspension, new hull, a more powerful 2V-06-2 diesel engine and fitted with the complete turret of the BMP-2.

The vehicle is manufactured at the Volgograd Tractor Factory, Volgograd, Russia under the industrial index Ob'yekt 950. Entered service in 1990.

The BMD-3 was introduced in the year before the fall of the Soviet Union. About 1,000 BMD-3 and BMD-4 are in service with armed forces of the Russian Federation, and 500 BTR-MD and 57 2S25 have been ordered. This vehicle is seen in the Battlefield video game series.


Battlefield: Bad Company

The BMD-3 is the IFV for the RU team, it's only difference between it and the American counterpart is that it's 2 firing ports are stationed at the sides of the vehicle, and not the back like the M3A3 Bradley.

Battlefield: Bad Company 2

The BMD-3 reappears in Battlefield: Bad Company 2 as the Russian main IFV. It is affected by all vehicle specs and is now exactly the same as the M3A3 Bradley in performance. It has a slightly more intrusive HUD compared to the M3A3, but this makes aiming easier on woodland maps, where the green HUD of the M3A3 can be difficult too see. The BMD-3 appears on Panama Canal, White Pass, and Laguna Alta in Conquest; the BMD-3 AA appears on Port Valdez in Rush.

