Battlefield Wiki
Battlefield Wiki
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In the Battlefield series, when a player is hit by a weapon, they take damage. Damage reduces the player's health. Once the player's health is reduced to 0, the player dies.

There are multiple types of damage, including environmental damage, engine-based collision damage, roadkill, and fall damage. This page primarily focuses on weapon damage and factors associated with it.

Weapon Damage

When a bullet strikes an enemy player, that player takes damage.

Damage dropoff

Bullet damage changes as the distance between when the bullet was fired and when the bullet strikes increases.

Hitbox multiplier

Main article: Hitbox

Hitbox series allows weapons to deal increased damage to vulnerable areas of the body or vehicle, or for better-protected areas to take reduced damage.

In most titles, the character's head takes increased damage, while limbs take less damage. Body armor, certain gadgets and specializations may alter damage multipliers. Certain weapon classes in later titles may use different multipliers.

For vehicles in general, vehicles take the same amount of damage as infantry, adjusted by their own multipliers, but benefit from greater health.
