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"A newly negotiated peace with Russia has allowed the European Union to launch an attack into mainland China from the north. The EU forces hope to breach the Great Wall of China and establish a base for future operations before continuing south to the coast, but their supply lines are dangerously thin. If the Chinese forces can head off the assault and hold them back long enough, the EU will have no choice but to retreat back into Russia. It’s vital for them to link up with American forces attacking from the coast, or a sustained assault on China will be impossible!"

— Loading Screen

Great Wall is a map in Battlefield 2: Euro Force. It involves a European assault on the Great Wall of China.


Combat is carried out mainly by infantry, and transport vehicles can be used to move quickly across the map. Armor plays a role of reinforcement on the 32-player version.

When a Vehicle Drop is called, the EU will receive a DPV and the PLA will receive a FAV.

As with other maps in Euro Force, this map has only 16- and 32-player variants, and singleplayer has a different control point layout than multiplayer.

Control Point overview[]

Control Point 16 (MP) 16 (SP) 32
Huang Village EU
Conq UncapFriendly
Lao Tian Ye Road EU
EU Strike Point EU
Conq UncapFriendly
Fortress Village Conq Neutral People's Republic of China
Quan Temple
Quan Fortress
People's Republic of China People's Republic of China Conq Neutral
Quan Tower
Central Wall
People's Republic of China People's Republic of China
Compound Gate Village People's Republic of China People's Republic of China
Compound Main Village
Quan Compound
People's Republic of China People's Republic of China Conq Neutral
Compound Wall EU
Conq UncapFriendly
Lao Seng Hill People's Republic of China
Cam Yin People's Republic of China
Conq UncapEnemy


EU European Union
Light vehicle(s)
Infantry fighting vehicle(s)
Main battle tank(s)
People's Republic of China People's Liberation Army
Light vehicle(s)
Infantry fighting vehicle(s)
Main battle tank(s)

16-player version[]

"This is a Conquest: Assault map. The force that causes the opponent's tickets to reach zero wins. The defending force can reduce the attacking force’s tickets gradually by holding all of the control points on the map. The attacking force can gradually reduce the defending force’s tickets by holding all of the control points on the map."

— Game Mode Briefing

This version involves an EU Assault into the PLA-controlled map. It has six control points, centered in and around the fort; the EU starting point is uncapturable, but all others are capturable. Four of the five flags inside of the fort held by the PLA at the start, with the fifth neutral. Further, the EU forces are able to make use of a paradrop.

The default number of tickets is 90 for the PLA and 110 for the EU.

EU Strike Point[]

The European forces can deploy from the start of the game in either of two places—the uncapturable EU Strike Point, where most of the EU commander resources are located, as well as from a paradrop. It is located northwest of the fortress itself.

The base itself is comprised of a cluster of several buildings—two at the top of the hill, where the flag itself is located, as well as several buildings at the foot of the hill. At the top of the hill, the EU's artillery and UAV trailrer are located directly nearby the two buildings at the top of the hill. There is a sandbag emplacement with a TOW missile launcher. A single DPV spawns near the flag.

Fortress Village[]

The Fortress Village is a flag located in the northwesternmost point of the fortress, and is the only neutral flag on the map, about equidistant from both Quan Temple and the EU Strike Point. The flag is centered within a cluster of five buildings, directly adjacent to both the main gate and the non-flag temple. It is partially surrounded by a low wall.

When taken by the EU, the point will spawn a stationary M249 LMG, a TOW, a PGZ-95, a HMMWV, and a DPV. If the PLA take control of it, it will spawn a stationary Type 95 LMG, a NJ2046, an FAV, and an HJ-8, but it will not spawn an anti-air vehicle.

Quan Temple[]

Quan Temple is the northern part of a set of two buildings that make up the Quan Temple in the 32-player variant of Great Wall. It is located southeast of the Fortress Village, and southwest of the Quan Tower.

It begins under PLA control, and spawns four stationary Type 95 LMG and a HJ-8; under EU control it will spawn four stationary M249 LMG and a TOW.

Quan Tower[]

Quan Tower is one of the four capture points which are under PLA control at the start of a match. It is slightly northeast of Quan Temple, and straddles the wall that separates the village and temple from the fortress compound. It overlooks both parts of the fortress, and is accessible only from the wall itself.

It spawns no vehicles.

Compound Gate Village[]

The southern part of the two capture points that make up the fortress compound, the Gate Village begins under PLA control. It is where the satellite scan and artillery assets are located. It is surrounded by four small buildings, all of face towards the flag itself.

It hosts the PLA artillery and Radar Station, and also spawns a FAV. When under the EU, a DPV will spawn.

Compound Main Village[]

The northern part of the fortress compound, the Main Village begins under PLA control. It is where the UAV spawns for the PLA. The point itself is comprised of four buildings: two on the west side and three on the east side. To the west it is slightly cordoned off by a wall; to the east it faces a crumbling section of the Great Wall.

It hosts the PLA UAV trailer. In addition, it spawns a HJ-8, a FAV, a NJ2046 and a PGZ-95. Under the EU, it will spawn a TOW, a DPV and a HMMWV, but no anti-air vehicle.

32-player version[]

"This is a Conquest: Head-on map. Your team will win if you cause your opponent's tickets to reach zero. You can increase the rate at which they lose tickets by holding at least half of the control points on this map."

— Game Mode Briefing

This version has six flags. Both PLA and EU have one capturable base and one uncapturable base. The two other flags are located within the fortress.

The default number of tickets is 200 for both teams.

Huang Village[]

The uncapturable EU base in the northeast. It spawns three artillery pieces, the UAV trailer and radar station, as well as two TOWs, three DPVs, a HMMWV, a LAV-25 and two L2A6. However, it is worth noting that one artillery piece and the radar station, despite being tied to this control point, are actually closer to the capturable Lao Tian Ye Road.

Lao Tian Ye Road[]

The capturable EU control point in the northwest. It spawns a stationary M249 LMG, two TOWs, two DPVs, a HMMWV and a LAV-25. Under PLA control, it will spawn a stationary Type 95 LMG, two HJ-8, two FAVs, a NJ2046 and a WZ551.

Also note that one of the EU's artillery pieces and the Radar Station are closer to this control point than the nominal Huang Village.

Cam Yin[]

The uncapturable PLA main base in the southwest, spawning three artillery pieces, the UAV trailer and radar station, as well as a HJ-8, two FAV, a NJ2046, two Type 98 and a WZ551. However, it is worth noting that one artillery piece and the radar station, despite being tied to this control point, are actually closer to the capturable Lao Seng Hill.

CP_32_GW_LaoSengHill_HeavyTank 98 CP_32_GW_CamYin_LightJeep fav CP_32_GW_CamYin_0_7 fav CP_32_GW_CamYin_0_8 nj CP_32_GW_WieTianTown_UAV uav CP_32_GW_WieTianTown_ART art CP_32_GW_WieTianTown_1_2 art CP_32_GW_CamYin_ART art CP_32_GW_WieTianTown_Radar radar CP_32_GW_CamYin_ATS hj8 CP_32_GW_CamYin_APC wz551 CP_32_GW_CamYin_CH_US_HeavyTank 98

Lao Seng Hill[]

The capturable PLA control point in the southeast. It spawns two HJ-8, two FAV, a NJ2046 and a WZ551. Under EU control, it will spawn two TOW, two DPV, a HMMWV and a LAV-25.

Also note that one of the PLA's artillery pieces and the radar station are closer to this control point than the nominal Cam Yin.

Quan Fortress[]

Quan Fortress is the westernmost neutral point located in the fortress in the center of the map. It replaces the sixteen-player variant's Quan Temple, and the flag itself sits between the two temple buildings.

If the point falls into European control, it will spawn a Humvee and a DPV. Further, it will spawn two TOW launchers and three M249 machinegun emplacements. If the Chinese take control of the point, they will receive an NJ 2046 and an FAV, as well as two HJ-8 antitank emplacements and three Type 95 light machinegun emplacements.

Quan Compound[]

Quan Compound is one of the two capture points which are neutral at the start of a match and makes up the eastern part of the fortress at the center of the map. It is located in the same position as the Compound Main Village from the 16-player variant.

If the flag is taken by the European forces, it will spawn one Humvee and one DPV. For defense, it also spawns a TOW launcher. Similarly, if the Chinese take control of the point, it will spawn one NJ 2046 and one FAV, alongside a HJ-8 emplacement.


In singleplayer, the EU start at the opposite of the map in the far east and push west. The other control points start under PLA control, and are almost identical in layout to multiplayer, with slight changes to allow bot access.

Compound Wall[]

The EU main base in the far east, spawning the artillery, UAV trailer and radar station.

Quan Compound[]

The first control point in the north that the EU will face. It is simply a rename of the Compound Main Village from multiplayer. Under PLA control it will spawn a HJ-8, FAV, NJ2046 and PGZ-95. Under EU control it will spawn a TOW, DPV and HMMWV.

Compound Gate Village[]

The first control point in the south that the EU will face. Under PLA control it will spawn a FAV, and under EU control it will spawn a DPV. Only two vehicles from this point can appear on the map at any time.

Central Wall[]

The flag in the center of the map on top of the wall's defenses, replacing Quan Tower from multiplayer. It spawns no vehicles.

Quan Temple[]

A control point above the hut located between two temples. It spawns four stationary Type 95 LMG and a HJ-8, while under EU control, it will spawn four stationary M249 LMG and a TOW.

Fortress Village[]

The last PLA control point. It spawns the PLA artillery, radar station and UAV trailer, as well as a stationary Type 95 LMG, a NJ2046, a FAV, and a PGZ-95. Under EU control, it will spawn a M249 LMG, a HMMWV and a DPV only.



  • There was originally a planned 64-player version of this map, complete with the EU's own transport helicopter. However, that version, alongside the helicopter, was cut. This is furthered by the fact that the Fortress Village CP spawns the Type 95 SPAAA (although incorrectly for the European Union forces only in multiplayer — if the PLA takes the flag, nothing will spawn there) when there are no air vehicles to use it against. To compound the point further, the EU Strike Point flag is labeled as CP_16_GW_EUAirDrop ��EU Strike Point�� in the localization files.
    • In addition, in the 32-player variant, a light vehicle tied to each main base spawn near an isolated building and face towards the cut control points.
  • This is the only map in Battlefield 2 where the EU faces China.
  • Several capture points were cut for both the 16-player variant and the 32-player variant of this map. One of the cut 16-player flags was included in the 32-player variant, but all others were completely unique.
    • 16-player cut flags are as follows:
      CP_16_GW_QuanCompound ��DELETED��
      CP_16_GW_QuanWalkway ��DELETED��
      CP_16_GW_CompundWall ��DELETED��
      CP_16_GW_CentralWall ��DELETED��
    • 32-player cut flags are as follows:
      CP_32_GW_LiuShuChunVillage ��DELETED��
      CP_32_GW_WeiTianVillage ��DELETED��