The Akizuki-class destroyer (Japanese: 秋月型駆逐艦 Akizuki-gata Kuchikukan) was a Japanese class of destroyers designed in 1942 and was operated as one of the primary destroyers of the Imperial Japanese Navy during the course of World War II. It had an armament of eight 100mm cannons, four 25mm anti-aircraft guns, four torpedo tubes and depth charges. Of the twelve that were built during the war, six were sunk.
The Hatsuzuki (Japanese:初月, meaning "New Moon (in Autumn)" or "(another name of) August") was the fourth ship of the Akizuki class destroyers. Laid down on July 25th 1941, completed on December 29th 1942 and sunk on October 25 1944.
Battlefield 1942[]
— Tooltip, DESTROYER
The Hatsuzuki is the Imperial Japanese Navy's destroyer featured in Battlefield 1942. It has four positions: the captain, who pilots the ship, controls the frontal guns and can drop the depth charges, one auxiliary gunner, who controls the rear guns, and two machine gunners, both controlling an MG 42 mounted on two separate platforms at the center of the ship. However, the MG 42 can only be used by approaching them on foot, and they cannot be accessed by the number keys. It also has two Daihatsu-class landing crafts hanging from its rear.
The Hatsuzuki is a supporting ship for amphibious assaults. Its small compared to the other ships excluding submarines. The two main jobs of the Hatsuzuki is simple: Support amphibious assaults with its guns and hunt down submarines. Its special among vehicles due to the fact it can support Radar/Sonar capabilities. It also has a few MG emplacements for AA purposes. Its best to avoid the Battleship or stay close to a friendly ship due to being severely outgunned.
The Hatsuzuki has two main positions: the captain and the auxiliary gunner.
The captain has control of the ship and one turret that fires two projectiles. Its splash damage is quite effective and can be used against ground targets on beaches or other ships. It can turn 180 degrees max. The second weapon is the Depth charges, the total amount is 10 and they replenish in one second, however after all of them are depleted it takes 5 to 8 seconds to reload.
The auxiliary gunner position has two turrets similar to the captain's turrets. However, its spaced out more which can lead to more damage in a wider area. This can be useful in case you pass a ship in close combat. This position can also respond to artillery requests called by friendly scouts.
Battlefield Vietnam[]
The Hatsuzuki returns in the Battlefield Vietnam World War II Mod as the destroyer for the Japanese Imperial Army. It performs identically to the Battlefield 1942 counterpart.