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Aerial view of the 64-Player sized map Mashtuur City

"Leading elements of the US ground force must capture Mashtuur City, a primary Middle East axis of advance. In response, MEC units are rushing forward to hold the city at all costs. In this double assault upon a key urban asset, all elements of modern warfare are likely to be deployed, attempting to secure vital CPs that dot the city. Victory will go to the side that controls the majority of Mashtuur when hostilities cease."

Mashtuur City is a multiplayer map that is featured in Battlefield 2 and Battlefield Play4Free that takes place in a city and its boundaries and outskirts. The map is essentially the same in both games.


Both sides start out with two flags. The USMC team will have the advantage as 2 out of 3 of the idle flags are close to them, while the MEC has to travel farther to capture those 2 flags. However, the westernmost idle flag, although farther than the one in between the front-most outposts, can be captured easily. This is because the flag is closer to the MEC outpost. All 3 idle flags however, are surrounded by exposed ground with very little cover, so they're very vulnerable to Assault, Anti-Tank and Sniper kit users.

Strategic Points

  • By holding the 2 flags in the corners (one on the top-left, one on the bottom-right, both near the AWOL/red-lined zone), a team has an advantage because the flags surround the city, allowing an attack from all sides. This works for either team.
  • If the MEC team can capture the westernmost idle flag before the USMC team captures the other two, then the MEC team will have a defense for each side. This gives the USMC team a harder time flanking the enemy.


  • On February 28, 2012, Mashtuur City joined the list of Battlefield 2 maps to be added to Battlefield Play4Free.


External links
