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ITAC Defense CP1

A real life SIGTAC Defense Prismatic 3x Scope.

The SIGTAC CP1 Prismatic is a lightweight 3x fixed magnification scope with three reticle modes. The scope is designed to survive extreme weather conditions through its Anodized aluminum construction.

It is featured as a primary weapon optic in Battlefield 4 called the PRISMA (3.4X).

Battlefield 4[]

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"3.4x magnification with a cross and dot reticle. Best used in mid to long range fights."

— Battlelog description

The PRISMA (3.4X) appears in Battlefield 4 as a primary weapon optic. It is the Chinese equivalent of the American M145 (3.4x) and the Russian PK-A (3.4X).


In Singleplayer, the PRISMA appears as a preset optic on the USAS-12, QBB-95-1, Type 88 LMG, and U-100 MK5.


In the multiplayer, the PRISMA is unlocked for Chinese primary weapons through progression and is unlocked through Battlepacks for all other primary weapons.


  • On PlayStation 4, the black crosshair pieces are rendered closer to the player than the red highlights, causing them to flicker, with the black going on top of and then below the red, and making it somewhat difficult to aim.