Overview | BF2 | BC2 | Play4Free | BF3 |
BF4 | Hardline | 2042 | ||
The RPK (Russian:Ruchnoy Pulemyot Kalashnikova, Ручной пулемёт Калашникова; English: Kalashnikov hand-held machine gun) is a Soviet/Russian light machine gun, developed by Mikhail Kalashnikov in the late 1950s. The RPK was developed alongside the AKM rifle and shares much of its design, firing the same 7.62×39mm cartridge and having compatible magazines. The RPK differs from the AKM by having a heavier and longer barrel, a reinforced receiver, a larger buttstock, and 40 round standard magazines. It was put into service with the Soviet Army in 1961, replacing the RPD LMG as the Army's standard squad automatic weapon, and also saw export to Warsaw Pact and other pro-Soviet countries.
The RPK-74 was developed alongside the AK-74 in the early 1970s and was adopted by the Soviet Army in 1974 to replace the RPK. The RPK-74 retains the same basic design as its predecessor but fires the 5.45×39mm cartridge from 45 round magazines. The RPK-74M (Modernizirovannyj/Модернизированный; "Modernized") is the most recent version of the RPK-74, incorporating black synthetic furniture, a side folding stock, and side mount for optical attachments.
The RPK, RPK-74, and RPK-74M appear in seven entries in the Battlefield series. The variant of RPK modeled in-game is frequently misnamed in the series; the RPK-74 and RPK-74M in Battlefield Play4Free, Battlefield 3 and Battlefield Hardline are all modeled after the original RPK with wooden furniture and a 40 round magazine, while the RPK-74 in Battlefield 2 uses the original RPK's drum magazines instead of its box magazines.