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Overview 1942 Vietnam Battlefield Heroes 1943 BC2
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In Battlefield Heroes, there are four submachine guns that are based on the Thompson, being the variants of the Tommy's Typewriter, the Charlie's Chopper and the Greg's Greasy Gun, and Brass Bender's Chopper. The regular variants are based on the M1A1 Thompson, and the super variants and Brass Bender's Chopper are based on the M1928 Thompson.

Tommy's Typewriter[]

"Less accurate than the other SMG weapons this gun requires enemies to be close for maximum effectiveness."

— In-Game Description

The Tommy's Typewriter is a weapon featured in Battlefield Heroes. It is available to the Soldier class of the Royal Army. It is the counterpart of the National Army Rudolf's Rescue. A stolen variant of the Tommy's Typewriter is also available to the National Army.

Tommy's Dapper Typewriter[]

"Same as the original Tommy's Typewriter with a fresh new look!"

— In-Game Description

The Tommy's Dapper Typewriter is a dapper weapon variant featured in Battlefield Heroes. It is available to the Soldier class of the Royal Army. It is the counterpart of the National Army Rudolf's Stylish Rescue. A stolen variant of the Tommy's Dapper Typewriter is also available to the National Army.

Tommy's Super Typewriter[]

"More rounds and critical hit chance than the original Tommy's Typewriter!"

— In-Game Description

The Tommy's Super Typewriter is a super weapon variant featured in Battlefield Heroes. It is available to the Soldier class of the Royal Army. It is the counterpart of the National Army Rudolf's Uber Rescue. A stolen variant of the Tommy's Super Typewriter is also available to the National Army. This variant of the Tommy's Typewriter has a higher critical hit chance than the regular variant, at 4% instead of 2.5%, deals less damage on a critical hit at 15 damage instead of 20 damage, and has a larger magazine size at 45 rounds instead of 40 rounds. The Tommy's Super Typewriter is statistically identical to the M16.

Golden Super Typewriter[]

"An exclusive golden version of the Super Typewriter"

— In-Game Description

The Golden Super Typewriter is a golden weapon variant featured in Battlefield Heroes, released with the Football Fiesta 2012 update. It is available to the Soldier class of the Royal Army. It is the counterpart of the National Army Golden Uber Rescue. To obtain the Golden Super Typewriter, a player must have purchased a jersey of the championship football team (Spain) from a promotional event during UEFA Euro 2012. The Golden Super Typewriter is statistically identical to the Golden M16.

Charlie's Chopper[]

"Good all around weapon for mid-range combat."

— In-Game Description

The Charlie's Chopper is a weapon featured in Battlefield Heroes. It is available to the Soldier class of the Royal Army by default. It is the counterpart of the National Army The Kommandant. A stolen variant of the Charlie's Chopper is also available to the National Army.

Charlie's Super Chopper[]

"Adds rounds and a higher chance to critical hit than the original Charlie's Chopper!"

— In-Game Description

The Charlie's Super Chopper is a super weapon variant featured in Battlefield Heroes. It is available to the Soldier class of the Royal Army. It is the counterpart of the National Army The Uber Kommandant. A stolen variant of the Charlie's Super Chopper is also available to National Army. This variant of the Charlie's Chopper has a higher critical hit chance than the regular variant, at 4% instead of 2.5%, deals less damage on a critical hit at 15 damage instead of 20 damage, and has a larger magazine size at 35 rounds instead of 30 rounds. The Charlie's Super Chopper is statistically identical to the Scoped SOF M16.

Greg's Greasy Gun[]

"Keep your enemies at a distance when using this slow firing SMG."

— In-Game Description

The Greg's Greasy Gun is a weapon featured in Battlefield Heroes. It is available to the Soldier class of the Royal Army. It is the counterpart of the National Army The Wacky Machine Gun. A stolen variant of the Greg's Greasy Gun is also available to the National Army.

Greg's Super Greasy Gun[]

"Adds rounds and a higher chance to critical hit than the original Greg's Greasy Gun!"

— In-Game Description

The Greg's Super Greasy Gun is a super weapon variant featured in Battlefield Heroes. It is available to the Soldier class of the Royal Army. It is the counterpart of the National Army The Uber Wacky Machine Gun. A stolen variant of the Greg's Super Greasy Gun is also available to the National Army. This variant of the Greg's Greasy Gun has a higher critical hit chance than the regular variant, at 10% instead of 2.5%, deals less damage on a critical hit at 15 damage instead of 20 damage, and has a larger magazine size at 30 rounds instead of 25 rounds. The Greg's Super Greasy Gun is statistically identical to the Tier 1 Elite M16.

Brass Bender's Chopper[]

"A deadly smg with an alternate fire to push your enemies and distrupt their movement."

— In-game Description

Brass-Bender's Chooper is a weapon released in the Battlefield Heroes: Robots update.


Weapon 1 day 3 days 7 days 14 days 30 days Forever
Tommy's Typewriter 150Valor Point BFH 450Valor Point BFH 35Valor Point BFH - 105Valor Point BFH 869P4F Funds BFH
150Valor Point BFH
145Battlefunds (Former)
Stolen Tommy's Typewriter 699P4F Funds BFH - - - 569P4F Funds BFH 1,139P4F Funds BFH
Tommy's Dapper Typewriter 799P4F Funds BFH - - - 1,139P4F Funds BFH 2,279P4F Funds BFH
3,000Valor Point BFH
Stolen Tommy's
Dapper Typewriter
799P4F Funds BFH - - - 1,259P4F Funds BFH 2,519P4F Funds BFH
Tommy's Super Typewriter 899P4F Funds BFH
450Valor Point BFH
1,350Valor Point BFH - 1,259P4F Funds BFH
210Battlefunds (Former)
1,679P4F Funds BFH
280Battlefunds (Former)
3,359P4F Funds BFH
560Battlefunds (Former)
Stolen Tommy's Super Typewriter 899P4F Funds BFH - - - 1,949P4F Funds BFH 3,899P4F Funds BFH
10,000Valor Point BFH
Golden Super Typewriter UEFA Euro 2012 reward
Charlie's Chopper Unlocked by default
Stolen Charlie's Chopper 699P4F Funds BFH - - - 569P4F Funds BFH 1,139P4F Funds BFH
Charlie's Super Chopper 899P4F Funds BFH
450Valor Point BFH
1,350Valor Point BFH - 210Battlefunds (Former) 1,679P4F Funds BFH
280Battlefunds (Former)
3,359P4F Funds BFH
560Battlefunds (Former)
Stolen Charlie's Super Chopper 899P4F Funds BFH - - - 1,949P4F Funds BFH 3,899P4F Funds BFH
Greg's Greasy Gun 150Valor Point BFH 450Valor Point BFH 35Valor Point BFH - 105Valor Point BFH 869P4F Funds BFH
145Battlefunds (Former)
Stolen Greg's Greasy Gun 699P4F Funds BFH - - - 569P4F Funds BFH 1,139P4F Funds BFH
Greg's Super Greasy Gun 899P4F Funds BFH
450Valor Point BFH
1,350Valor Point BFH - 1,259P4F Funds BFH
210Battlefunds (Former)
1,679P4F Funds BFH
280Battlefunds (Former)
3,359P4F Funds BFH
560Battlefunds (Former)
Stolen Greg's Super
Greasy Gun
699P4F Funds BFH - - - 569P4F Funds BFH 1,139P4F Funds BFH
Brass Bender's Chopper 899P4F Funds BFH - - - - 6999P4F Funds BFH



  • The names of the Tommy's Typewriter and the Charlie's Chopper are references to the given nicknames of the Thompson, being "The Tommy Gun", "The Chicago Typewriter" and "The Chopper" respectively. Additionally, the name of the Greg's Greasy Gun references the M3 Grease Gun, a submachine gun used alongside the Thompson.
  • The Smooth Suit cosmetic set was often advertised in conjunction with the Super Royal submachine gun due to the inspiration of the set being Michael Jackson's "Smooth Criminal", as the song was based on a previous iteration known as "Al Capone". This, however, was long before the weapons were released, and the weapon was never sold with the set.[citation needed]