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To The Bone is a Letter featured Battlefield V. It is found in the chapter Fraternite Ou La Mort of the Tirailleur War Story.


Dear Louis,

It feels such a long time since you left me, my heart aches for you every morning as the sun rises. I lie in bed and look up at the cloudless sky wishing you were here next to me.

The chickens are laying really weel at the moment, Josephine has a slightly strange spot on her head, I hope she isn't sickening for something. Uncle Emile thinks it's chicken pox but I don't think chickens get that? Some days I wonder why we left the city. It is so quite here, not like Paris at all.

When you come home I've ben thinking about a few chores that I shall need you to help me with. The top floor windowpane is rattling something dreadful every time the wind comes across the fields. It is chilling me to the bone. Don't worry my love, I shan't always write to you with a list of jobs to do but at least you know I am thinking of you always.

I miss you every day, at every moment of every day,

Your loving wife,

