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Bad Company 2 features the famous Recon. This class has become known to many, myself included, as totally useless snipers. However, sometimes you come across a recon that does his job well. The other, shitty snipers are the majority. That is shame, and discredits the class. So, what's the difference you ask? Simple, really.

The Differences between a good recon and a bad recon[]

The good recon will spot any and all opposing players he sees without a second thought. He might even use the auto-spotting scope to save himself from pressing a button to spot.

The bad recon will not spot any opposing players because that might mean one of kills will be stolen.

The good recon will drop mortar strikes on important targets such as buildings, weapon emplacements, heavy vehicles, and objectives.

The bad recon will drop mortar strikes on enemy snipers.

The good recon keeps a close eye on the M-Com once it's been armed, quickly dispatching anyone trying to disarm the bomb.

The bad recon didn't even notice the M-Com was armed in the first place.

If the good recon finds someone else in his sniping spot, he will look somewhere else to shoot from

The bad recon will squad down right next to the other sniper, making them both easy targets.

The good recon will hold his fire if he knows he can't make the shot. He'll just spot the enemy so the ground pounders know about it.

The bad recon will attempt to shoot anyway, and miss, giving away his own position and allowing the ground forces be ambushed.

If the good recon is killed by another sniper, he will find a location concealed from the counter-sniper's line of sight; or a least a different location to get revenge from.

The bad recon will immediately return to where he was killed, and attempt revenge. He will most likely be shot in the head again.

The good recon will use his motion sensors constantly, and master being able to throw them long distances.

The bad recon forgot he had motion sensors.

The good recon doesn't bother with magnum ammo, because headshots from bolt-action rifles are one shot kills always.

The bad recon will use magnum ammo always.

The good recon will get close to his targets to increase accuracy and shorten bullet travel time.

The bad recon will get as far away as possible from his targets in order to get a huge marksman headshot bonus.

The good recon will change up his tactics and look for new places to snipe from.

The bad recon will go to the same sniping location as everyone else, and have a wookie party.

The good recon will pay attention to his immediate surroundings.

The bad recon has an incurable case of tunnel vision.

The good recon will accompany his squad into combat.

The bad recon's squad is other recons.
