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Willys MB Light Truck

A Willys MB Light Jeep

The Willys GP, or Jeep, was the primary scout car for the Allied Forces in World War II, used by British and Commonwealth Forces, the American Army and the Red Army as part of the lend lease program. The Axis counterparts are the Kübelwagen and Type 95 Kurogane.

Battlefield 1942

The Willys MB is a scout car in Battlefield 1942. It can only carry the driver and one passenger. The vehicle has very little armor, and both passengers are exposed to gunfire. As neither the driver or passenger can use any weapons, it is advised to avoid direct combat. However, the Willys MB is fast and maneuverable, and is readily available on most maps. It can also climb steep hills with relative ease. This makes it useful to quickly transport two players across the battlefield, especially considering the large distances between flags common in Battlefield 1942.

Battlefield 1942:The Road to Rome

In Battlefield 1942: The Road to Rome, the Willys MB is used by the Free French Forces.

Battlefield 1942:Secret Weapons of WWII

In Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII, the Willys MB is used by the SAS. A unique variant with a mounted M2 Browning appears exclusively on Raid on Agheila.


Battlefield 1943

In Battlefield 1943, the Willys MB spawns regularly


A US Marine driving a Willys MB in Iwo Jima.

at certain USMC controlled flags. They're very fast and maneuverable, but have weak armor, as 1 or 2 rifle grenades can take one out. An M1919 Browning is even capable of taking it out, however it is very difficult to do so. It also has very little protection for the driver and passengers. However, they're the fastest land vehicle in the game, along with the Type 95 Kurogane. It can transport 3 players: one driver, one passenger (capable of using all of their infantry weapons) and one gunner (manning an M1919 Browning).
